All functions |
image augmentations of a matrix, data frame, array or a list of 3-dimensional arrays (where the third dimension is equal to 3) |
Gabor Feature Extraction |
calculate the HOG (Histogram of oriented gradients) for an image |
calculate the HOG (Histogram of oriented gradients) for a matrix, array or a folder of images |
convert a list of matrices to an array of matrices |
minimum and maximum values of vector, matrix, data frame or array |
normalize a vector, matrix or array (in the range between 0 and 1) |
Conversion of RGB to HSV colour type |
Conversion of RGB to Lab colour type |
zca whiten of an image |
calculation of the 'average hash' of an image |
convolution |
crop an image |
calculation of the 'dhash' of an image |
Dilation or Erosion of an image |
downsampling an image ( by a factor ) using gaussian blur |
edge detection (Frei_chen, LoG, Prewitt, Roberts_cross, Scharr, Sobel) |
flip image horizontally or vertically |
Gamma correction |
Get Affine Transform |
calculate the binary or the hexadecimal hash for a matrix, array or a folder of images for the average_hash, phash or dhash functions |
display an image |
image thresholding |
invariant hashing (caclulation of the hamming or the levenshtein distance when the image is flipped, rotated or cropped) |
loads either 2- or 3-dimensional data (where the third dimension is equal to 3) from a binary file |
Normalize a matrix to specific range of values |
Padding of matrices or n-dimensional arrays with a user specified value |
calculation of the 'phash' of an image |
this function reads various types of images |
resize an image using the 'nearest neighbors' or the 'bilinear' method |
convert an RGB image to Gray |
Rotate an image by 90, 180, 270 degrees |
Rotate an image using the 'nearest' or 'bilinear' method |
Bounding box for the superpixel labels |
Bounding box for a subset of superpixel labels |
SLIC and SLICO superpixel implementations |
image translation |
uniform filter (convolution with uniform kernel) |
Verify that the input image extension is valid |
Warp Affine |
This function writes 2- or 3-dimensional image (where the third dimension is equal to 3) data to a file |