This function calculates the phash of an image
hash_size = 8,
highfreq_factor = 4,
MODE = "hash",
resize = "nearest"
a (2-dimensional) matrix or data frame
an integer specifying the hash size (hash_size * highfreq_factor should be less than number of rows or columns of the gray_image)
an integer specyfing the highfrequency factor (hash_size * highfreq_factor should be less than number of rows or columns of the gray_image)
one of 'hash' (returns the hash of the image), 'binary' (returns binary identifier of the image)
corresponds to one of 'nearest', 'bilinear' (resizing method)
either a hash-string or a binary vector
The function is a modification of the 'phash' function of the imagehash package [ please consult the COPYRIGHT file ]. The phash algorithm extends the average_hash by using the discrete cosine transform.
image = readImage(system.file("tmp_images", "2.jpg", package = "OpenImageR"))
image = rgb_2gray(image)
res_hash = phash(image, hash_size = 6, highfreq_factor = 3, MODE = 'hash')
res_binary = phash(image, hash_size = 6, highfreq_factor = 3, MODE = 'binary')