Bounding box for a subset of superpixel labels
superpixel_bbox_subset(superpixel_labels, superpixel_subset)
a matrix. The superpixel_labels parameter corresponds to the output labels of the superpixels function
a numeric or integer vector specifying the subset of superpixel segments.
This function should be utilized to return the bounding box for a subset of superpixel segments. To compute the bounding box for all superpixels use the superpixel_bbox function.
# read image
path = system.file("tmp_images", "slic_im.png", package = "OpenImageR")
im = readImage(path)
im = im[,, 1:3]
# compute superpixels
res = superpixels(input_image = im, method = "slic", superpixel = 200,
compactness = 20, return_labels = TRUE)
#> Warning: The input data has values between 0.094118 and 1.000000. The image-data will be multiplied by the value: 255!
# compute the bounding box ( for subset of superpixels )
bbox = superpixel_bbox_subset(res$labels, superpixel_subset = c(0, 10, 30))