Create a Leafet map (including information pop-ups)
this parameter corresponds to the output data.table of the 'GPS_TCX_data()' function
a character string specifying the column of the output data.table ('GPS_TCX_data()' function) that is used in the map-markers. The default value is 'AltitudeMeters' but it can be any column of type numeric
either a character string specifying a leaflet provider (such as 'Esri.WorldImagery') or a direct call to the leaflet provider list (such as leaflet::providers$Esri.WorldImagery). The default value is leaflet::providers$Esri.WorldImagery
either NULL or rstudioapi::viewer. If NULL then the output map will be shown in the web browser
an integer specifying the Coordinates Reference System. The recommended value for this data is 4326 (which is also the default value)
a leaflet map of class 'leaflet'
if (FALSE) {
# first extract the log-id(s)
USER_ID = '99xxxx'
token = 'my_long_web_api_token'
log_id = extract_LOG_ID(user_id = USER_ID,
token = token,
after_Date = '2021-03-13',
limit = 10,
sort = 'asc',
verbose = TRUE)
# then return the gps-ctx data.table
res_tcx = GPS_TCX_data(log_id = log_id,
user_id = USER_ID,
token = token,
time_zone = 'Europe/Athens',
verbose = TRUE)
# then visualize the data
res_lft = leafGL_point_coords(dat_gps_tcx = res_tcx,
color_points_column = 'AltitudeMeters',
provider = leaflet::providers$Esri.WorldImagery,
option_viewer = rstudioapi::viewer,
CRS = 4326)