Extract the log-id (it's possible that I receive more than one id)
after_Date = "2021-03-13",
limit = 10,
sort = "asc",
verbose = FALSE
a character string specifying the encoded ID of the user. For instance '99xxxx' of the following URL 'https://www.fitbit.com/user/99xxxx' of the user's account corresponds to the 'user_id'
a character string specifying the secret token that a user receives when registers a new application in https://dev.fitbit.com/apps
a character string specifying the Date after which the log-ids will be returned. For instance, the date '2021-12-31' where the input order is 'year-month-day'
an integer specifying the total of log-id's to return. The default value is 10
a character string specifying the order ('asc', 'desc') based on which the output log-id's should be sorted
a boolean. If TRUE then information will be printed out in the console
an integer specifying the log ID