Extract the sf-object and raster extent based on a buffer (in meters)
buffer_in_meters = 1000,
CRS = 4326,
verbose = FALSE
this parameter corresponds to the output data.table of the 'GPS_TCX_data()' function
an integer value specifying the buffer in meters. The bounding box of the input coordinates (longitudes, latitudes) will be extended by that many meters. The default value is 1000 meters.
an integer specifying the Coordinates Reference System. The recommended value for this data is 4326 (which is also the default value)
a boolean. If TRUE then information will be printed out in the console
an object of class list
To create the buffer in meters using the 'sf' package I had to transform to another projection - by default I've used 7801 - as suggested in the following stackoverflow thread, https://stackoverflow.com/a/54754935/8302386
if (FALSE) {
# first extract the log-id(s)
USER_ID = '99xxxx'
token = 'my_long_web_api_token'
log_id = extract_LOG_ID(user_id = USER_ID,
token = token,
after_Date = '2021-03-13',
limit = 10,
sort = 'asc',
verbose = TRUE)
# then return the gps-ctx data.table
res_tcx = GPS_TCX_data(log_id = log_id,
user_id = USER_ID,
token = token,
time_zone = 'Europe/Athens',
verbose = TRUE)
# then compute the sf-object buffer and raster-extend
sf_rst_ext = extend_AOI_buffer(dat_gps_tcx = res_tcx,
buffer_in_meters = 1000,
CRS = 4326,
verbose = TRUE)