Utilizing Virtual File Systems (vsi) and Well Known Text (WKT) to access the 'nominal orbits'
track = "GT7",
rgt_repeat = 1,
wkt_filter = NULL,
download_method = "curl",
download_zip = FALSE,
verbose = FALSE
a character string specifying the earth partition to use, it can be one of 'antarctic', 'arctic', 'western_hemisphere' and 'eastern_hemisphere'
a character string specifying the orbit track. Can be one of 'GT1L','GT1R','GT2L','GT2R','GT3L','GT3R' or 'GT7'
an integer specifying the orbit repeat. This parameter defaults to 1 and it is relevant if a user chooses one of the 'western_hemisphere' or 'eastern_hemisphere' where there are 8 orbit repeats, whereas for the 'antarctic' and 'arctic' there is only 1 repeat
either NULL, or a Well Known Text (WKT) character string to allow a user to restrict to an area of interest rather than processing all data (this parameter will be used as input to the 'sf::st_read()' function)
a character string specifying the download method. Corresponds to the 'method' parameter of the 'utils::download.file()' function. Can be one of 'internal', 'wininet' (Windows only), 'libcurl', 'wget', 'curl' or 'auto'
a boolean. If TRUE the .zip file will be first downloaded and then the .kml files will be returned, otherwise the 'gdalinfo' function will be used as input to the R 'system2()' function to read the .kml files without downloading the .zip file. The 'gdalinfo' command requires that the user has configured GDAL properly. Set the parameter 'download_zip' to TRUE if GDAL is not (properly) installed.
a boolean. If TRUE then information will be printed out in the console
an 'sf' object
if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
# processing all data of the orbit area
dat_rgt = vsi_nominal_orbits_wkt(orbit_area = 'eastern_hemisphere',
track = 'GT7',
rgt_repeat = 1,
wkt_filter = NULL,
download_method = 'curl',
download_zip = FALSE,
verbose = TRUE)
# extracting nominal orbits only for the WKT
WKT = 'POLYGON ((-14.765 18.979, -11.25 18.979, -11.25 21.943, -14.765 21.943, -14.765 18.979))'
dat_rgt = vsi_nominal_orbits_wkt(orbit_area = 'western_hemisphere',
track = 'GT3R',
rgt_repeat = 8,
wkt_filter = WKT,
download_method = 'curl',
download_zip = FALSE,
verbose = TRUE)
dat_rgt[[1]]$RGT # Reference Ground Tracks of input WKT
# Visualize the results
# (first compute the centroid)
wkt_sf = sf::st_as_sfc(WKT, crs = 4326)
centr_wkt = sf::st_coordinates(sf::st_centroid(wkt_sf))
RGTs = mapview::mapview(dat_rgt, legend = F)
AOI_wkt = mapview::mapview(wkt_sf, legend = F)
lft = RGTs + AOI_wkt
lft@map %>% leaflet::setView(lng = as.numeric(centr_wkt[, 'X']),
lat = as.numeric(centr_wkt[, 'Y']),
zoom = 7)
} # }