• I adjusted the “IceSat-2_Virtual_File_System_Orbits_PDF.Rmd” and “IceSat-2_Virtual_File_System_Orbits_HTML.Rmd” vignettes to fix the “Error in CPL_write_ogr(obj, dsn, layer, driver, as.character(dataset_options),: Feature creation failed.” error
  • I renamed the Dockerfiles and I added a separate Dockerfile for the IceSatR package because the docker image didn’t work due to the similar naming of the binder image. I also added (in the Dockerfiles) the “awscli” installation which is required for the vignettes. The “.github/workflows/docker_image.yml” file was adjusted as well.
  • I fixed a typo error in the documentation of the get_level3a_data() function
  • I’ve included the boolean parameter ‘download_zip’ to the ‘vsi_time_specific_orbits_wkt()’ function. It might be useful if the previous default parameter ( ‘download_zip = FALSE’ ) gives a warning or error.
  • I’ve modified an exception in the ‘vsi_kml_from_zip()’ function in case the ‘sf::gdal_utils(util = ’info’)’ function returns an empty character vector ( besides the existing one ‘(info_url == ““)’ ). I also converted a message to a warning.
  • I’ve modified the ‘vsi_time_specific_orbits_wkt()’ function because it gave an error for ‘RGT_cycle_4’
  • I’ve updated the documentation of the ‘vsi_time_specific_orbits_wkt’ function
  • I fixed an error related to the latest_orbits() function
  • I’ve added the switch_full() and switch_abb() internal functions which allow to process the dates of the downloaded files without taking into account the user’s system locale (see issue: https://github.com/mlampros/IceSat2R/issues/3)
  • I’ve updated the documentation by adding more details to each exported function
  • I’ve added more tests that can be executed using testthat::test_local() or testthat::test_file() (see the section R package tests of the README.md file)
  • I added the ne_10m_glaciated_areas.rda and RGT_cycle_14.rda files in the data directory and I removed the ne_10m_glaciated_areas.RDS and RGT_cycle_14.RDS files from the inst directory
  • I’ve added the verify_RGTs() function
  • I modified / updated the Vignettes, Example sections and the JOSS paper taking into account all previously mentioned changes
  • I updated the README.md file
  • I modified all files of the R package to make the ICESat-2 naming consistent (see issue https://github.com/mlampros/IceSat2R/issues/8)
  • I’ve modified the “IceSat-2_Atlas_products.Rmd” Vignette files (.html and .pdf versions) to fix an issue related to the “vertical” Coordinate Reference System (CRS) of the Copernicus DEM (see issue: https://github.com/mlampros/IceSat2R/issues/7)
  • I fixed a bug in the time_specific_orbits() function, as there was a case where only ‘RGT’ and ‘Date_time’ was returned, so I had to include the other 2 columns (‘DOY’, ‘Cycle’) by using NA’s
  • I modified and added a test case for the time_specific_orbits() function to catch an error case related to issue 9
  • I’ve added the ‘IceSat2R.R’ file with required dependencies
  • I’ve added an exception in the time_specific_orbits() function to remove internally processed sub-lists that do not have a ‘description’ (I expect that all ‘.kml’ file sublists are of type ‘POINT’)
  • I’ve fixed a few minor issues in the vignettes
  • I’ve added the ‘available_nominal_orbits()’, ‘vsi_kml_from_zip()’, ‘vsi_nominal_orbits_wkt()’, ‘vsi_time_specific_orbits_wkt()’ and ‘latest_orbits()’ functions
  • I’ve added the ‘IceSat-2_Virtual_File_System_Orbits_PDF.Rmd’ third vignette