Customized function to download files
download_file(url, destfile, download_method, verbose = FALSE)
a character string specifying a valid url
a character string specifying a valid path where the output file will be saved
a character string specifying the download method to use. Can be one of 'internal', 'wininet' (Windows only), 'libcurl', 'wget', 'curl' or 'auto'. For more information see the documentation of the 'utils::download.file()' function
a boolean. If TRUE then information will appear in the console
if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
# the default timeout is 60 and we set it to 600
options(timeout = 600)
# we specify a URL and a temporary file
default_url = ""
url_downl = glue::glue('{default_url}files/page_files/')
tmp_f = tempfile(fileext = '.zip')
# then we download the file
downl_f = download_file(url = url_downl,
destfile = tmp_f,
download_method = 'curl',
verbose = TRUE)
} # }