conversion of an R sparse matrix to a scipy sparse matrix
R_sparse_matrix | an R sparse matrix. Acceptable input objects are either a dgCMatrix or a dgRMatrix. |
This function allows the user to convert either an R dgCMatrix or a dgRMatrix to a scipy sparse matrix (scipy.sparse.csc_matrix or scipy.sparse.csr_matrix). This is useful because the nmslibR package accepts besides an R dense matrix also python sparse matrices as input.
The dgCMatrix class is a class of sparse numeric matrices in the compressed, sparse, column-oriented format. The dgRMatrix class is a class of sparse numeric matrices in the compressed, sparse, column-oriented format.,,
try({ if (reticulate::py_available(initialize = FALSE)) { if (reticulate::py_module_available("scipy")) { if (["sysname"] != 'Darwin') { library(nmslibR) # 'dgCMatrix' sparse matrix #-------------------------- data = c(1, 0, 2, 0, 0, 3, 4, 5, 6) dgcM = Matrix::Matrix(data = data, nrow = 3, ncol = 3, byrow = TRUE, sparse = TRUE) print(dim(dgcM)) res = TO_scipy_sparse(dgcM) print(res$shape) # 'dgRMatrix' sparse matrix #-------------------------- dgrM = as(dgcM, "RsparseMatrix") print(dim(dgrM)) res_dgr = TO_scipy_sparse(dgrM) print(res_dgr$shape) } } } }, silent=TRUE)