nmslibR 1.0.6
- I’ve added a ‘packageStartupMessage’ informing the user in case of the error ‘attempt to apply non-function’ that he/she has to use the ‘reticulate::py_config()’ before loading the package (in a new R session)
- I’ve updated the ‘SystemRequirements’ in the DESCRIPTION file
nmslibR 1.0.5
- I updated the License in the DESCRIPTION file which as of ‘07-05-2021’ will be Apache License Version 2.0. Therefore I removed also the COPYRIGHTS file from the ‘inst’ directory
- I removed LazyData from the DESCRIPTION file
- I added the CITATION file in the ‘inst’ directory
- I removed the ‘zzz.R’ file and the ‘packageStartupMessage()’
nmslibR 1.0.3
I updated the README.md file and especially the installation instructions for all mentioned operating systems i.e. Linux, Macintosh, Windows (switch from python2 to python3 due to pybind11 issues).
nmslibR 1.0.2
- The dgCMatrix_2scipy_sparse function was renamed to TO_scipy_sparse and now accepts either a dgCMatrix or a dgRMatrix as input. The appropriate format for the nmslibR package in case of sparse matrices is the dgRMatrix format (scipy.sparse.csr_matrix)
- I added an onload.R file to inform the users about the previous change [ related with the issue : https://github.com/mlampros/nmslibR/issues/1 ]
- I removed the utils.R file which included internal functions of the KernelKnn package. Rather than including the file I now use the getFromNamespace function of the utils package.
- Due to the previous changes I modified the Vignette and the tests too.
nmslibR 1.0.1
- I commented the example(s) and test(s) related to the dgCMatrix_2scipy_sparse function [ if (Sys.info()[“sysname”] != ‘Darwin’) ], because the scipy-sparse library on CRAN is not upgraded and the older version includes a bug (TypeError : could not interpret data type). This leads to an error on Macintosh Operating System ( reference : https://github.com/scipy/scipy/issues/5353 )
- I added links to the github repository (master repository, issues)