Heart Rate Intraday Heatmap (by extracting the 'min.', 'median' and 'max.' values of the day)
heart_rate_heatmap(heart_rate_intraday_data, angle_x_axis = 0)
a list object specifying the intraday heart rate data (this is one of the sublists returned from the 'heart_rate_time_series' function)
an integer specifying the angle of the x-axis labels. The default values is 0 (it can take for instance values such as 45, 90 etc.)
a plot object of class ggplot2
if (FALSE) {
# first compute the heart rate intraday data
USER_ID = '99xxxx'
token = 'my_long_web_api_token'
heart_dat = heart_rate_time_series(user_id = USER_ID,
token = token,
date_start = '2021-03-09',
date_end = '2021-03-16',
time_start = '00:00',
time_end = '23:59',
detail_level = '1min',
ggplot_intraday = TRUE,
verbose = TRUE,
show_nchar_case_error = 135)
# use the heart-rate-intraday data as input
# to the 'heart_rate_heatmap' function
hrt_heat = heart_rate_heatmap(heart_rate_intraday_data = heart_dat$heart_rate_intraday,
angle_x_axis = 0)