Download the Planet NICFI images sequentially
download_method = "wget",
verbosity = 0
a vector of character strings. See the output of the 'aria2c_download_paths()' function for the correct format.
a character string specifying a valid path where the files will be saved
a character string specifying the download method. Can be for instance "wget", "curl" or any available method of the "download.file()" function
an integer specifying the verbosity (between 0 and 2). If 0 then verbosity is disabled, if 1 then only essential verbosity is displayed and if 2 then all available information will be printed out in the console.
it doesn't return an R object but it saves the files to a directory
This function does not require the 'aria2c' tool (system requirement) to download the imagery. It uses the 'utils::download.file()' function internally
if (FALSE) {
# first extract the available Mosaics
api_key = 'use_your_planet_nicfi_API_key'
mosaic_files = nicfi_mosaics(planet_api_key = api_key,
type = 'monthly',
crs_bbox = 4326,
URL = '',
verbose = TRUE)
# keep the mosaic of 'September 2020'
keep_idx = 1
mosaic_ID = mosaic_files$dtbl_mosaic$id[keep_idx]
# then extract the available Quad files for the Mosaic
wkt_file = system.file('data_files/Sugar_Cane_Bolivia.wkt', package = "PlanetNICFI")
WKT = readLines(wkt_file, warn = FALSE)
quad_files = nicfi_quads_bbox(planet_api_key = api_key,
mosaic_id = mosaic_ID,
bbox_AOI = NULL,
wkt_AOI = WKT,
page_size = 10,
crs_bbox = 4326,
verbose = TRUE)
# download the .tif files
web_links_aria2c = aria2c_download_paths(mosaic_output = mosaic_files,
mosaic_id = mosaic_ID,
quads_output = quad_files,
img_type = 'tif')
DIR_SAVE = tempdir(check = FALSE)
res_dat = sequential_download_paths(aria2c_file_paths = web_links_aria2c,
default_directory = DIR_SAVE,
download_method = 'wget',
verbosity = 1)