Computes the NICFI Quads based on a mosaic-id and a specified Area of Interest (bounding box or Well Known Text)
bbox_AOI = NULL,
wkt_AOI = NULL,
page_size = 50,
crs_bbox = 4326,
verbose = FALSE
a character string specifying the Planet API key (see the references on how to acquire this key)
a character string specifying the 'Mosaic' id as returned from the 'nicfi_mosaics()' function
either NULL or a list of the format "list(xmin = xmin, xmax = xmax, ymin = ymin, ymax = ymax)" that includes the bounding box 'xmin', 'xmax', 'ymin', 'ymax' coordinate values of the Area of Interest (AOI) based on which the intersected NICFI Quads have to be computed
either NULL or a character string specifying the Well Known Text (WKT) of the Area of Interest (AOI) based on which the intersected NICFI Quads have to be computed
an integer value specifying the number of Quads to return (that intersect with the input bounding box or Well known text)
an integer specifying the Coordinates Reference System for the bounding box computation only.
a boolean. If TRUE then information will be printed out in the console
an object of class list
if (FALSE) {
# first extract the available Mosaics
api_key = 'use_your_planet_nicfi_API_key'
mosaic_files = nicfi_mosaics(planet_api_key = api_key,
type = 'monthly',
crs_bbox = 4326,
URL = 'https://api.planet.com/basemaps/v1/mosaics',
verbose = TRUE)
# keep the mosaic of 'September 2020'
keep_idx = 1
mosaic_ID = mosaic_files$dtbl_mosaic$id[keep_idx]
# then extract the available Quad files for the Mosaic
wkt_file = system.file('data_files/Sugar_Cane_Bolivia.wkt', package = "PlanetNICFI")
WKT = readLines(wkt_file, warn = FALSE)
quad_files = nicfi_quads_bbox(planet_api_key = api_key,
mosaic_id = mosaic_ID,
bbox_AOI = NULL,
wkt_AOI = WKT,
page_size = 10,
crs_bbox = 4326,
verbose = TRUE)