Bulk download of files using 'aria2c'
user = NULL,
password = NULL,
threads = 1,
verbose = FALSE,
secondary_args_aria = "--allow-overwrite --retry-wait=5 --max-tries=0"
either a vector of character strings or a valid path to a text file. See the output of the 'aria2c_download_paths()' function for the correct format.
a character string specifying a valid path where the files will be saved
either NULL or a character string specifying the 'user' (normally this is the 'username' required in specific websites to have access and download files)
either NULL or a character string specifying the 'password' (normally this is the 'password' required in specific websites to have access and download files)
an integer value specifying the number of threads to run in parallel
a boolean. If TRUE then information will be printed out in the console
a character vector specifying the additional parameters that can be passed to the 'aria2c' function. For instance, "--retry-wait": specifies the seconds to wait between retries and "--max-tries=0" means unlimited re-tries. See the References section for more details.
a character vector based on the verbosity of the function
if (FALSE) {
# first extract the available Mosaics
api_key = 'use_your_planet_nicfi_API_key'
mosaic_files = nicfi_mosaics(planet_api_key = api_key,
type = 'monthly',
crs_bbox = 4326,
URL = 'https://api.planet.com/basemaps/v1/mosaics',
verbose = TRUE)
# keep the mosaic of 'September 2020'
keep_idx = 1
mosaic_ID = mosaic_files$dtbl_mosaic$id[keep_idx]
# then extract the available Quad files for the Mosaic for an AOI
wkt_file = system.file('data_files/Sugar_Cane_Bolivia.wkt', package = "PlanetNICFI")
WKT = readLines(wkt_file, warn = FALSE)
quad_files = nicfi_quads_bbox(planet_api_key = api_key,
mosaic_id = mosaic_ID,
bbox_AOI = NULL,
wkt_AOI = WKT,
page_size = 10,
crs_bbox = 4326,
verbose = TRUE)
# formated aria2c download weblinks
web_links_aria2c = aria2c_download_paths(mosaic_output = mosaic_files,
mosaic_id = mosaic_ID,
quads_output = quad_files,
img_type = 'tif')
# download the .tif files that intersect with the bbox AOI
temp_dir_out = tempdir()
all_threads = parallel::detectCores()
set_threads = length(web_links_aria2c) / 2
num_threads = ifelse(set_threads < all_threads, set_threads, all_threads)
aria_args = '--allow-overwrite --file-allocation=none --retry-wait=5 --max-tries=0'
res_downl = aria2c_bulk_donwload(vector_or_file_path = web_links_aria2c,
default_directory = temp_dir_out,
user = NULL,
password = NULL,
threads = num_threads,
verbose = TRUE,
secondary_args_aria = aria_args)