• I updated the “Copernicus_Digital_Elevation_Models.Rmd” vignette after a major revision of the “tmap” R package. The users of the CopernicusDEM have to install the latest version of tmap
  • I renamed the inst/COPYRIGHTS file to inst/COPYRIGHTS.pdf (CRAN Team message)
  • I fixed two broken URL’s in the Vignette
  • I’ve modified the create_VRT_from_dir() function to create the .vrt file only from .tif files (modified the pattern parameter in the list.files() function)
  • I replaced the ‘gdalUtils’ with the ‘sf’ package (and especially the internal ‘gdalbuildvrt’ function) due to the fact that it currently gives an error in the ‘r-devel-windows-x86_64-new-UL’ test Flavor on CRAN
  • I’ve added the Github repository URL to the DESCRIPTION file
  • I’ve fixed mistakes in the Documentation of the R functions
  • I’ve added a vignette explaining the functionality of the CopernicusDEM package
  • I’ve modified the parallelzed loop in the aoi_geom_save_tif_matches() function so that it’s compatible with both Unix and Windows Operating Systems
  • I’ve fixed invalid URL’s in the Vignette