Language Identification using fastText
k = 1,
th = 0,
threads = 1,
verbose = FALSE
either a valid character string to a valid path where each line represents a different text extract or a vector of text extracts
a valid character string to the pre-trained language identification model path, for more info see
predict top k labels (1 by default)
probability threshold (0.0 by default)
an integer specifying the number of threads to run in parallel. This parameter applies only if k > 1
if TRUE then information will be printed out in the console
an object of class data.table which includes two or more columns with the names 'iso_lang_N' and 'prob_N' where 'N' corresponds to 1 to 'k' input parameter
vec_txt = c("Incapaz de distinguir la luna y la cara de esta chica,
Las estrellas se ponen nerviosas en el cielo",
"Unable to tell apart the moon and this girl's face,
Stars are flustered up in the sky.")
file_pretrained = system.file("language_identification/lid.176.ftz", package = "fastText")
dtbl_out = language_identification(input_obj = vec_txt,
pre_trained_language_model_path = file_pretrained,
k = 3,
th = 0.0,
verbose = TRUE)
#> The 'fasttext' algorithm starts ...
#> Conversion of the predicted labels and probabilities for k = 3 and threads = 1 ...
#> The predicted labels will be loaded from the temporary file ...
#> The temporary files will be removed ...
#> Elapsed time: 0 hours and 0 minutes and 0 seconds.
#> iso_lang_1 prob_1 iso_lang_2 prob_2 iso_lang_3 prob_3
#> 1: es 0.910368 fr 0.0177581 pt 0.0164652
#> 2: es 0.849259 ca 0.0497277 fr 0.0141624
#> 3: en 0.927154 pt 0.00641008 ru 0.00501036
#> 4: en 0.9014 de 0.0311772 ru 0.00573721